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dir.Balázs Simonyi/Hungary, Greece/2017/81 min

What makes people run several hundred kilometres, when they are sure that every single step will cause them lots of misery? Year after year, runners from around the world participate in one of the most prestigious and challenging of races, the Spartathlon. A historic distance of 246 km from Athens to Sparta within 36 hours. They all have their own personal reasons for joining the extreme run. None of them knows if they will ever be able to fulfill but they do know, that it is crucial for them to try and maybe reach the impossible. The Hungarian director, Balazs Simonyi, who has finished the race three times, tells a touching and human story about the runners and their universe of cathartic self-discoveries, voluntary suffering, and hypnotic state of mind, punctuated at times with humour.


  • projection time:
    81 min
  • country/year:
    Hungary, Greece/2017
  • director:
  • pictures:
    László Józsa
  • production:
    Speak Easy Project
  • selected festivals and awards:
    2018 – IFF Sofia, 2018 – Dok.Fest Munich, 2018 – Visions du Réel Nyon, 2018 – FF Sarajevo, 2018 – FF Triest, 2018 – IFF Minsk, 2017 – IDFA Amsterdam, 2017 – Cracow Film Festival

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