Sunday 13th of May | 12:00 p.m. | Kinoteka i Plac Defilad
Embroidery workshop
After the screening of “Poetess” by Stefanie Brockhaus, Andreas Wolff
Embroidering in Polish and all languages
Partner: Amnesty International Polska
After the film about the poet from Saudi Arabia (“The Poetess”), who criticizes in her work the patriarchy and extremism, a workshop in collective embroidery will take place. At this workshop we will make the scarves of the female “reservists” who refused to participate in the patriarchal system of power. The embroidered slogans and signatures will be symbols of power and unity of women in their struggle for rights. The scarves will be then made available to organized women’s rights protests.
The workshops will be supervised by:
Monika Drożyńska – visual artists, embroiderer, founder of embroidery school for ladies and gentlemen “Golden Hands” and a member of the “Golden Hands” collective.